Monday, August 25, 2008

Homemade Windmills : Plans, Parts and Simple Advice

It's very practical to build a homemade windmill. You don't need to be rich or have miles of raw land at your disposal to enjoy wind power. Did you know that you can get rid of your over-priced power bills by using wind power? When you use the Earth's natural power, we all win.

There's no need to build a wind farm to get free energy. When you build a windmill, you don't necessarily need something that towers high above you. Here's an example. Picture this for a moment. You build a 10k-watt windmill. Your home area's wind is 8mph on average. Your winmill will give you about 250 watts of energy. Okay, now picture your wind flow at twice that speed. Forget 250 watts. Your homemade windmill is now generating about 8x the power for you. You see, it's important to build the right windmill for your area.

By getting a windmill building guide, you'll avoid any mistakes and you'll optimize your free power output from your windmill. You'll soon be a windmill enthusiasts. With smaller parts come easy-to-use kits and ready-made components. Yes, it's fun and simple to do.

Homemade Windmill Advice

If I were you, I'd start now. Our energy costs are over priced and you won't see a break anytime soon. Use wind power and help planet Earth. Building a windmill is cheaper today than ever before.

Lower power costs and helping the Earth are two great reasons to build a homemade windmill today. There are kits out there, but I recommend getting a windmill building guide first. The last think you want is an area full of windmill parts and no idea what to do next.

The best guide/plans I've found to date for wind and solar power on the cheap are right ---> HERE.

Related homemade windmills page. DIY windmill plans.

1 comment:

Dwayne said...

Have you ever tried homemade windmills step-by-step tutorial? It is good too, I followed it and built a homemade windmill in few days!